GDPR – Our Privacy Statement


Privacy Statement


This privacy statement covers the RSPCA Macclesfield, South East Cheshire & Buxton Branch (hereafter referred to as “the Branch”) website at The Branch website is the website of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Macclesfield, South East Cheshire & Buxton Branch (registered charity no. 1209388). It also contains links and information on some other RSPCA branches and the national society’s main website at, all are separate registered charities and have their own privacy statements. Where links are provided in the Branch website to other websites, those other websites are not covered by this statement.

The Branch will take all reasonable steps, within its capabilities, to ensure that your data is kept securely and to respect the information privacy of all visitors to its website. The Branch’s website, calls only for visitor data input in respect of online fundraising competitions and online payment transactions, both use reliable security technology features and procedures. Where the Branch Forum is used, it is used only by Branch volunteers and is NOT accessed by the public. In registering for the Branch Forum volunteers acknowledge that within the password protected area the personal information given by them is solely for use of other volunteers and the branch members.

Data collection

The Branch’s website collects personal information from visitors to the site only with the permission of the individual in that by completing any online form or data-acquiring page, the person doing so acknowledges that such information is being freely given in line with the purpose of its provision and the contents of this statement. Where appropriate, information is provided to explain the reason for collecting this data. Where such information is not directly related to an online financial transaction, such as a donation via PayPal (whose own privacy statement applies to their secure online facility), the Branch will provide an opportunity to opt out of any further uses of this information and an explanation of what these uses will be, where appropriate.

The Branch’s intention is that all data collection is open and obvious to the site visitor. No information supplied online to the Branch is made available to any third party (except PayPal in relation to online financial transactions and as set out in their transaction pages). It is the policy of the Branch to retain visitor information, where given, only for the future notification of Branch activities and events, fundraising exercises and competition results and matters, and administration associated with the website and its visitors.

Children’s data

We have special online competitions which we periodically offer to under 18 year olds, so where appropriate we ask for a date of birth to verify age. Branch policy is not to canvas under 18 year old persons directly for fundraising issues. We strongly recommend that under 13 year olds obtain the permission of a parent or guardian before sending the Branch their information by entering it on Branch web pages.

Online donations

In order to make an online donation by credit or debit card, the site visitor will be directed to PayPal via a ‘click button’. Where necessary further information about the collection of the data and any further uses to be made of the data will be provided on this other limked site. The site uses encryption and other supplier security features.

Data protection

The Branch acknowledges data protection policies. You have a right to know about any personal data the Branch holds about you. You have a right to object to the receipt of direct marketing or campaign information sent to you via any means, by the Branch. Please address all enquiries about the Branch’s data protection procedures or request to be removed from the Branch database to

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Branch does not believe that it has any formal obligation under the Act not being a designated public authority. However, the Branch, as does the national society, fully supports the principle of openness and will endeavour to supply information to enquirers whenever possible.

As a registered charity, relying entirely on voluntary staffing and voluntary donations, the Branch would have to take into account the purpose of any request for information and the effort and costs involved in providing it for the enquire.