GDPR – Our Legitimate Interest

RSPCA Macclesfield South East Cheshire and Buxton Branch

Charity Number: 1209388

 Legitimate Interest Statement

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal is a national organisation managed by an elected council who, subject to the rules, controls the affairs, funds, proceedings and property of the society.  They are assisted in the administration of the society by a central organisation, headquarters and branches.

The Macclesfield South East Cheshire and Buxton branch is governed by a committee consisting of elected and co-opted Trustees.  All members are volunteers: there are no paid staff and no property associated with the branch.  The Trustees have individual and collective responsibility for the management of the branch and its funds.  Subject to the overall supervision and support of the National RSPCA, the committee controls and monitors all acquisition of pets for the branch, the animal welfare and fundraising initiatives, including caring for, obtaining veterinary care for and rehoming animals from a variety of sources, providing welfare assistance to members of the public, undertaking fundraising activities of various scope and scale and generating goodwill and understanding.

The branch normally deals with cats, dogs and small furries.  Equines and animals in need of special expertise are not taken in or supported by this branch.

The work involves the following:

Animal acquisition
  • Acquisition of ‘at risk’ animals from the national society through Greater Manchester Animal Hospital or RSPCA paid Inspectors and Animal Collection Officers
  • Acquisition of animals from other branches
  • Acquisition of ‘case animals’ or ‘Home4Life’ animals via the national society
  • Acquisition of ‘at risk’ animals from members of the public who live in the branch area
  • Temporary, very short-term acquisition of feral cats which are released into the wild after treatment
Animal care
  • Animals are found places either in foster homes, registered and inspected boarding facilities or at RSPCA Chesterfield Animal Rescue Centre
  • Where the animals have not been health checked prior to arriving they are taken to a vet and any required treatment accepted, at branch cost
  • Where a prior health check has indicated on-going treatment this is continued in the new establishment at branch cost
  • Euthanasia is only undertaken on veterinary advice
  • Feral cats are part of a trap-neuter-release programme that may, on rare occasions, be enhanced by essential one-off treatment
  • Young malleable kittens of feral mothers may be taken into care by the Branch or other animal rescue charities for subsequent socialisation and re-homing.  
Other animal involvement
  • Members of the public on benefits and living within the branch area may be offered, on personal application, welfare assistance care for their pets. Costs are covered by a combination of owner contribution, National Society vouchers and branch moneys
  • The branch sometimes holds animal welfare ‘days’ in conjunction with other agencies
  • Potential adopters who apply to the branch are visited by a trained home visitor to ascertain that their circumstances and accommodation are suitable for the particular needs of the specific animal that they wish to adopt
  • Feral cats are returned to the wild, usually under a caring eye of the landowner
  • Where a re-homing breaks down despite advice from volunteers, the animal is taken back into the care of the branch
  • Branch trustees act as honorary administrators and fundraisers and as co-ordinators for domestic cats, dogs and small furries.
  • Specific volunteers who are not trustees nonetheless act in key roles: volunteer co-ordinator, assistant to the re-homing co-ordinators, assistant to collect and forward mail, web page supervisor, feral cat co-ordinator, adoptions finance administrator, newsletter producer and welfare assistance managers.
  • In addition, trained volunteer home visitors are involved in adoptions
  • Volunteer dog walkers may walk dogs in local kennels
  • A national society Branch Support Officer is available to advise trustees and volunteers at all times and is involved in training where appropriate
  • General volunteers support in many ways related to fundraising
Income generation
  • The national society holds an annual collection from which the branch receives a share
  • The branch holds collections and fundraising events
  • The branch receives donations from members of the public, sometimes via a third party such as a funeral director
  • The branch receives legacies
  • The branch sometimes has appeals for specific animals/situations. These may be on the website or other social media such as Facebook
  • The branch has an Animal Angels scheme whereby a member of the public can contribute a regular amount at intervals of their choosing
  • There is a text-giving system and other similar on-line donation systems e.g. PayPal
Third Party Links
  • Veterinary practices
  • Boarding Kennels and Cattery
  • Insurance company (via national society)
  • PayPal, Virgin Giving etc.
  • Home visits done on behalf of, or passed to, another branch
  • Companies and individuals providing services, equipment and provisions
  • Other animal welfare charities
  • Accountant
  • Charity Commission
  • Banks (in the case of setting up standing orders on instructions from donors)
Administrative systems
  • Monthly reports by co-ordinators & key personnel
  • Minutes of meetings and AGM’s
  • Financial spreadsheets
  • Volunteer database – password protected and secure
  • VAT returns to national society
  • Annual accounts
  • Annual reports
  • Reports to Charity Commission annually
  • Claims for refunds

Reviewed & updated July 18th 2019